Do Follow Link Back From Blogs Comments and Forum are IN, directories Link Back Are Out

October 5th, 2008

Comments from DO Follow blogs comments, link back from forums can can give your site hi link value and can promote your site in search engine results and also give your site a nice google page rank.

search engines and especially google give high value from links between text and give very low value for links in directory.

get a full list of do follow link back at comments on high pr blog

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Submit to RSS feeds Reader Directories To Promote Your Site

October 4th, 2008

Rss Feeds can be a good way to get many links back to your site.

rss feeds (Real simple syndication) are a way that blog and directory can get 2 or 3 lines of your article and in the end of the article have a link back to your orginal post to read the all article.

rss feeds reader can be a great way to promote your site because you will get lot’s of links back.

but be aware that document duplicated with different page or site can mark your site as spam so make sure first that google index your page before you submit you site do rss feeds.

You can find a list of sites with links to rss feeds here: rss feeds reader by

also a list with rss reeds pr can be found here

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What To Avoid With Private Domain Registration

September 22nd, 2008

In most domain registration companies you can make a private domain registration.

sometimes it’s cost money and sometimes it’s free.

What is a Private Domain Registration

private domain registration are a services that protect your personal information from eye of internet users.
when someone want to see information about your domain he will also get some personal information from you.

how to see your personal information by reading your domain information ?

There is a service that called “whois”

whois show anyone information about the domain and the owner of the domain.

for example when you make whois for the domain NETWORKSOLUTIONS.COM
you will get this information:

Network Solutions, LLC
Network Solutions LLC
13861 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 300


Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
Network Solutions, LLC                
Network Solutions LLC
13861 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 300
570-708-8788 fax: 703-668-5817

Record expires on 27-Apr-2016.
Record created on 27-Apr-1998.
Database last updated on 22-Sep-2008 03:35:03 EDT.

Domain servers in listed order:

NS3.NETSOL.COM               205.178.190. 165

Where to look for whois information ?

any domain registration company have a link called “whois” in the company home page.

you can see all whois information for all kinds of domain at

What to Avoid when using private domain registration ?

Google mosly and some search engines are record and monitor all domain for information.

if you changed the domain information search engines can see your domain and a  new one and can revoke all your links and rank your site like a new site

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Google Domain Registration

July 21st, 2008

Google start to offer domain registration services.

this services are part of google apps and work with google partners.

the price for a new .com domain are $10.

to google domain registration services go to google domain registration

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.me Domain Registration

July 21st, 2008

.me Domain Registration are available to register by eurodns .me domain, godaddy.

the first week godaddy have a problem to register .me domain,

now it’s working corect and you can registar .me domains at godaddy

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Free Domain Name

August 11th, 2007

We create a list of sites that offer Free Domain Name.
Some of these services offer free subdomain redirection, some offer free top level domain.

Free domain name with full dns control. support Email with Google Apps, URL forwarding.

Get a free .tk domain. domain expires after 90 days if your site have less than 25 visitors. It offer invisible frame. It is one the best free top level domain.

Offer free DNS Service, free web builder tool, domain redirection. they do not
provide web hosting, mail, FTP services.

Offer lots of features like free Redirection (domain name forwarding), Free URL cloaking & masking.

Offer multiple sub domain names. also offer tool to update your IP redirection with 50 sub domain limit per user account. useful for free dns hosting, domain hosting, static ip DNS,,,

Offer free URL Redirection with free subdomain forwarding.,,

Free .com, .net, .info domains. you need to gain points filling surveys:

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Site Wide Link - is single page links are better than site wide links ?

March 29th, 2007

Site Wide Link sound better then single page link - right ? - Well it wrong !.

site wide link can be good thing only for search engines like yahoo (for now).

Google tend to ignore this kinds of links because it  like link spamming. I highly advise not to used them. Single home page link is what will carry most of your back link weight.

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Building 1 Site With 3 Themes Or 3 Sites With 1 Theme

February 20th, 2007

Building 1 Site With 3 Themes Or 3 Sites With 1 Theme ?

if you have related themes sites you should not split it to 3 sites.

but wait, are you sure you know what is related themes sites ?

related themes sites are sites with the same subject - %100 the same, not close, the same!.

for example site about domain registration is no related to web hosting site, it just related to domain registration sites!.

if you try to create a network of sites you can do this if your not interlink with them because Google can track.

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301 Domain Forward

February 18th, 2007

301 domain forward are the best way to transfer your domain name.

well it’s the best way because there is no outer way do it.

302 domain forward are only temporary changed that will keep the site in the search engines and just redirect users to the new domain.

it will take time to get your pr, but it will take more time to get your links and your links will count as the linked to the new site, but not all your link will be count and you can also lose lot’s of links that because your old site will return a error and can be removed from directories and sites that check it all the outgoing links are ok.

also there is a factor of old site and new sites that your can destroy your site rank if you have any.

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Link From Cloud Sites Are Good For SEO ?

February 18th, 2007

If i buy links in cloud sites with my keywords will that increase site rank ? will it increase PR?

well no and no.

What is “Cloud Site” - it’s a site with one page with 200-1000 link (not relevant) that you can buy mostly for very cheap.
cloud sites a sites with lot’s of links (like a link farm) and also they are not relevant to the site, so google will now for sure that it’s a link farm and not only that this link is not count and count as a bad link.

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