Archive for November, 2008


EstDomains ICANN Termination

November 30th, 2008

ICANN terminate EstDomains as ICANN-accredited.
EstDomains as been informed about icann domain termination in october 2008.
icann terminate EstDomains becuse of credit card fraud, money laundering and document fraud.
all the domains are transfer to Directi.
all domain EstDomains holder as been notify via email about the changed.
Directi opend a spical web page for EstDomains users at EstDomains Transfer


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Google SERP Update November 2008

November 25th, 2008

There is major google serp update at November 2008.
good content sites begin to get higher and higher in google search engine results.
sites that work only on link building and don’t put a real fresh content and / or using duplicate content are going down in search results.
lots of changing in all site search results because [...]

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Low Price Domain Dot Com $7.49

November 21st, 2008

at cheap domain names domain prices are down.
you can buy low price domains dot com (.com) for $7.49.
i think it’s very cheap domain prices.
in in august 2008 domain prices are increase, read icann price increase at icann .
icann write that there is unreasonable increase in domain prices, but lot’s of domain registration companies say that [...]

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Seo Secrets

November 18th, 2008

I know some Seo Secrets, but i not going to tell you them ;-).
What i am going to tell you are seo point of view that if you keep doing it your going to have an authority web site that google will like and your pages going to view in lots of search string combination.
Seo [...]

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Internet Traffic Analyzer Logs Using for SERP ?

November 11th, 2008

Internet Traffic analyzer may be used for search engines results position (SERP).
i found a yahoo patent that used for Better Web Crawling.
i am not sure how yahoo can read your log, but they can monitor your site traffic using tools like compete site analytics

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Build Your Own Search Engine

November 10th, 2008

You can build your own search engine using yahoo boss.
yahoo boos allow you to use yahoo index to build your own search engine !.
in order to work with yahoo search service you will need to use yahoo API or yahoo web service.
yahoo search service allow Unlimited Queries Per Day.
read more about yahoo boss search service [...]

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