Protect yourself from spam, scams, prying eyes, and worse.
Only $7.95/yr! (plus domain registration fee)
Did you know that when you register a domain, your name, address, email address, and phone number are immediately made available to anyone who wants to see it? That's right. Your personal information is exposed 24 hours a day, everyday, to anyone, anywhere.
You have the power to change this. With a private ("unlisted") registration through Domains By Proxy (our affiliate company), registering a domain name doesn't mean sacrificing your privacy.
- Your new or existing domain is registered in the name of Domains By Proxy -- so their information is made public -- not yours.
- You retain full benefits of domain registration. You can cancel, sell, renew, or transfer your domain; set-up name servers for your domain; and resolve disputes involving your domain.
- The patent-pending registration and email handling systems let you manage and control all postal mail and email addressed to the domain you have registered, as well as the domain's contact information.
- And your domain registration is safe -- it's insured against loss by American International Insurance Company -- AND backed by's guarantee!
- But don't even think about using a private registration to transmit Spam, violate the law, or engage in morally objectionable activities.